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  1. Italian word for a football supporter responsible for coordinating the chants, football songs, and cheers of encouragement.

  2. Position in the Mafia - not a Boss or his Deputy, but the head of a branch (In this case USL SG Branch)


Parks I Co-Founder


Product of Tipton County, Tennessee. Though he does his best to hide his accent, it comes out significantly after 3 shots of Jameson or any attempt to speak Spanish. 


Soccer has been pretty much his life for the last decade as he’s the President of the Memphis Gooners, Vice President of the American Outlaws, and host of the soccer podcast Roundtable of Hooligans. His Arsenal fandom and the USMNT’s failure to qualify for the 2018 World Cup led him to discover all 87,437 uses of the F-word. 

He and six of his friends founded the group that became Bluff City Mafia on May 31st, 2017 after an initial meeting with the ownership group. He is currently a CAPO, member of the BCM executive committee, and chair of the BCM social media committee.

You can find him most weekends, to the annoyance of his wife and daughter, face first in a beer or megaphone with his hat turned to the side watching his f***ing back.


Molly Weldele I Fan turned Co-President 


MoMo is St. Louis born and Tennessee raised. She grew up playing soccer (shout out to Houston High) and after college (HAIL STATE!) she moved to Australia where she played for the cities local soccer team and opened a bar (as a clear cover for vodka investments).


In 2018, after dominating the rest of the world, she said “cheers you wanks” and headed home to the streets of Memphis.

Currently she’s a capo of Bluff City Mafia, member of the executive committee, chair of the away days/event committee, a Gooner and proud American Outlaw. 


Essentially, she plans the party and is the party.


Most Saturdays you can find her balls deep in several shots of Jameson, painted for war, and being a loud, obnoxious, excessively vulgar beer chugging pain in the ass.

Chris Smith I Co-Founder


I wanna rock right now, I'm Chris Smith and I came to get down. 

I'm not intentionally known, but I'm known to rock the microphone. 

Because I get stupid, I mean outrageous

Stay away from me if you're contagious...


2021's new CAPO hails from San Antonio, Texas and has been playing joga bonito since he was 6 years old. Soccer Podcaster, Rap savant, American Outlaw and all around Gooner. 


Most weekends he can be found doing the most on the soccer field... after shots of course. 

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